Thank you for being a Whole Cities Foundation partner! On this page, you will find info about Whole Cities, social messaging templates and other assets to support your communication efforts.

We are so grateful for your support!

Whole Cities Foundation Social Handles:

FB/IG: @wholecitiesfoundation

Twitter: @WholeCitiesFnd

Hashtags: #HealthyFoodForAll #WholeCitiesFoundation

Download Whole Cities Logos and Brand Guidelines here.

Learn about Whole Cities’ impact here.

Who is Whole Cities Foundation?

Whole Cities Foundation is an organization helping to expand access to fresh, healthy food and nutrition education. We fund grants to nonprofits with food access projects like urban farms, mobile markets, and community gardens through a community-led process.

Our approach is guided by our Community First Principles to build partnerships with locally-led organizations to help create thriving local food systems and grow community health.

We know that grassroots solutions are often the strongest, so we work with local organizations to craft our grant programs, get the word out about opportunities, and choose grant recipients. We believe in shifting power dynamics both between philanthropy and community and within communities themselves.

When we use the term “food access,” we’re talking about healthy food options where…

  • Fruits and vegetables are affordable, high quality, familiar, close by and community members have a safe, accessible way to reach them.
  • Community members have a say in the sources of the produce. (i.e., running an urban farm, directing their dollars to mobile markets, or investing their time in a community garden)
  • Access is for the long-term. It is not immediate hunger alleviation such as food banks or other food donation e­fforts.
  • Growing food locally increases the availability of high quality, affordable produce; employs more neighbors; and keeps more dollars in the local economy.


Voice and Tone

We do use language that:

  • Recognizes the assets, strengths and goals of a community or person
  • Celebrates local leadership and projects

We don’t use language that:

  • Reinforces a stereotype of a community 
  • Characterizes a community or person in a way they wouldn’t use to describe themselves
  • Incorrectly assumes a static, simplified identity – “homeless person”
  • Implies a community is helpless, incapable, or in need of saving


  • Food desert (prefer: neighborhood experiencing barriers to healthy food access; neighborhood with few fresh, healthy options)
  • Minorities (prefer: people of color, communities of color, etc.)
  • Homeless person (prefer: person experiencing homelessness)

Nonprofit Community Partner Social Messaging


We’re proud to be a @wholecitiesfoundation Community First Grant partner! We’re using our grant to help support X in our local communities to help build a thriving local food system.

@wholecitiesfoundation works to expand access to fresh, healthy food and nutrition education through community-led processes. We’re excited to be a 2021 Community First Grant partner to support long-term food access solutions in our community.

We believe in #HealthyFoodForAll! That’s why we’re excited to be a @wholecitiesfoundation Community First Grant partner to expand healthy food access through programs across our community.



We’re a proud Community First Grant partner of @WholeCitiesFnd! We’re working together to put communities first as we work to expand access to fresh, nutritious food.

We believe in #HealthyFoodForAll! That’s why we’re excited to be a @wholecitiesfnd Community First Grant partner to expand healthy food access through programs across our community.

Supplier Brand Social Messaging


We’re proud to partner with @wholecitiesfoundation to support #HealthyFoodForAll. We’re donating X per purchase of select products at @WholeFoods up to $X to the foundation. Shop now to support the cause!

We believe in #HealthyFoodForAll! That’s why we’re teaming up with @wholecitiesfoundation to expand healthy food access through programs across the country. Purchase select products @WholeFoods and we will donate X% per purchase, up to $X to the foundation!

@wholecitiesfoundation works to expand access to fresh, healthy food and nutrition education through community-led processes. We’re proud to partner with the foundation, and we are supporting them by donating X% per purchase of select products at @WholeFoods stores, up to $X. Shop today to support #HealthyFoodForAll!

Try our X this month at @WholeFoods and your purchase supports @wholecitiesfoundation and their mission to support long term food access solutions.



Want to help support #HealthyFoodForAll? Shop select products at @WholeFoods stores and we’ll donate X per purchase, up to $X to the @WholeCitiesFnd. Shop today to help expand healthy food access in local communities.

We’re a proud partner of @WholeCitiesFnd! The foundation puts communities first as they work to expand access to fresh, nutritious food. Shop select products at @WholeFoods to support #HealthyFoodForAll!

Support @WholeCitiesFnd and their mission to provide #HealthyFoodForAll by shopping select products at @WholeFoods stores!

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